Friday, 10 June 2016

How to Hang Decorative Item from Suspended Ceiling Tiles

A suspended ceiling, It also known as a drop ceiling, is functional as well as affordable. Such type of roof has many benefits, it also has some disadvantages. These roofs are designed to support the weight of the bracket and ceiling decoration product and very little more. If items such as ceiling fans or light fixtures are to be hooked up, some improvements will need to be built. 

Ceiling Tile
Identify the location of the product as you will be hanging from roof, be it may be ceiling fan or light bulb. Mark the location for the decorative item on the Ceiling Tile. If adding a ceiling fan then you will need to place a mounting box into the ceiling tiles. For products such as track lighting you may need to drill small holes corresponding the mounting holes on the track or light fixture. Clear away the ceiling tile and make the important hole or drilling. 

Cut the predrilled "L" mounting brackets. The brackets will need to be long sufficient to cover the entire whole of ceiling tile, a little overlapping the brackets on either end of the installing area. Place the junction boxes to these wall mounts through the holes you have well prepared in the ceiling tile. If adding a junction box, you will require to place an "L" bracket on either side of the box, safe-guarding the brackets to the box for the screws. You will add the L bracket on the upper side of the ceiling tile and the keep track of light bracket on the uncovered side of the tile. Place the ceiling tile back into the overhead grid. 

Install anchor points in the overhead roof. These anchors can be nails, screws or ideally eye bolts. These bolts will be attached in the overhead flooring. Place the anchor points above the "L" bracket(s), space them roughly 12 inches apart. These anchor bolts will be supporting the weight of the product that you are installing, so set them safely in place. 

Calculate the length from the "L" bracket to the spine directly overhead. Cut hanger cables to accommodate this range, allowing sufficient distance to tie the wire on each end. Protected the wire to the anchor point first, rotating it until it is risk-free. Loop the reverse end of the hanger wire via the "L" bracket. Keep the bracket level and remove with the ceiling tile as you safe the second end of the wire. Place a hanger wire around every 12 inches along the "L" bracket. These wires will keep the weight allocated between the anchor points and off the ceiling tiles. 

Install the product by securing it to the installing brackets you installed attaching it to the junction box now safely held in position by "L" brackets. Although the hook wires will assist the weight, you should continue carefully, so as not to turn or put the ceiling tile in any type of join. 

For more information about Suspended Ceiling Tiles, please visit :

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